A few rolls of 35mm Film in Pittsburgh

A few weeks ago Olivia and I set off for a weekend/wedding trip to Pittsburgh, PA and I decided to bring a few rolls of 35mm film with me. Equipped with my Olympus OM-10 and a roll of color negative film and two rolls of black and white film, I went and shot away while I enjoyed my weekend vacation. Needless to say, I loved how these photos turned out! The color film was Fujifilm Fujicolor 200, which is supposed to get a look that is close to Kodak Gold 200, but in my results it seems to look like a cooler version of Gold. My choices for black and white film was Cinestill BWXX and Kodak Tri-X 400. Both films gave a highly contrasted look to them, with me preferring the look of the Cinestill film a tad bit more. Even with me not trying to be biased on it being respooled Eastman Double-X 5222 motion picture film.. Well enough talking. I hope you enjoy some of these frames from this nice trip.

Photos were developed and scanned at Camera Center of York. Feel free to visit their website. https://www.cameracenterofyork.com/

I also have some of these available to purchase as prints on my Darkroom website. The link will be listed below!


Fujifilm Fujicolor 200

Cinestill BWXX

Kodak Tri-X 400


My first roll of Harman Phoenix 200!


Oh No Mamiya! (Lomography 400 120)