Oh No Mamiya! (Lomography 400 120)
My first roll of color negative in my Mamiya 645 1000s and of course disaster strikes…! What I believe is a shutter curtain issue, caused some of my negatives to have a dark to very dark side of some of the photos. I believe this is only when shooting at high shutter speeds. Even though some of the photos didn’t come out as I wanted them to, I still had a good time shooting with this awesome medium format camera. A quick trip to my local camera store and i’m sure this beauty will be working properly again. Until then, enjoy some of my film photos from Deceptive Dreamz CC’s “Day of The Dead” 2023 trunk or treat car show. The first image is an unfixed example of the issue I ran into. The rest are the good photos and ones that I managed to somewhat save in Lightroom. Enjoy!